What is an Immigration Case Worker?

What is an Immigration Case Worker?

We asked Lorena Dus, Client and Community Services Director.

The impact of an Immigration Case Worker extends far beyond the paperwork and legalities. We play a pivotal role in reuniting families and affording individuals the chance to contribute meaningfully to the fabric of our society. It is a responsibility that carries weight. In a world where borders can sometimes serve as barriers, our work dismantles those barriers and fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion. We are champions of diversity and champions of the fundamental human right to seek a better life.

This noble pursuit requires not only competence but also a deep understanding of the cultural, emotional, and legal nuances that define each case.

Our work goes beyond administrative tasks; it is a commitment to upholding the principles of justice, compassion, and human dignity. Each case we handle represents a unique narrative, a story of resilience, aspiration, and the pursuit of a brighter future. In our capacity as immigration case workers, we become the bridge between hope and realization for those navigating the intricate landscape of immigration.

When new arrivals approach the BIC, they usually have questions in mind. People ask about their options. Can they work legally? Or, if they are already here legally or are citizens, can they bring family members in? Can they apply for visas? We help them figure it out, explain what documents they need, and how much it will cost. Some people we see one time or maybe twice. Others we’ll see 10 or 15 times before the case is finalized.

Our goal is to help immigrants thrive in the Berkshires and achieve their goals, whether those goals are citizenship, work authorization, home ownership, or opening a new business. When they work, they can make money, support their children and families, and actively contribute to life in the Berkshires and grow its community.